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Jewish Resources

"See you do not destroy My world,

for if you do, there will be no one else to repair it."

Midrash Kohelet Rabbah, 1 on Ecclesiastes 7:13

"You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it."


                                      Rabbi Tarfon

Rabbi Ed Rosenthal, a ocean enthusiast in Florida, founded the only Jewish marine conservation organization: Tikkun HaYam: Repair the Sea.  You can read about their work in their online magazine of this same name:


Tikkun HaYam issue 3-June 2020

Tikkun HaYam issue 2--April 2020

Tikkun HaYam issue 1--March 2020


Rabbi Rosenthal also founded Scubi Jews, an organization of suba diving Jewish college students dedicated to repairing the seas. Read about one college student's experience of the uniting of his faith with taking care of the ocean species and systems.


Here is a short video of Rabbi Rosenthal testifies to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission on the role of faith in caring for the oceans and the wonder of the endangered Goliath Grouper. Help save it!

Articles & Resources


Jewish Repair the Seas.jpg
Hillel Eckerd College.jpg

Tikkun HaYam: Repair the Seas--Jewish Marine Conservation (

Scubi Jews at Hillel is based on Tenet of Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World), focusing on the marine environment-- part of Tikkun HaYam

This is a British resource site on Jewish teachings and actions.

Canfei Nesharim:

Sustainable Living Inspired by the Torah

This organization provides 18 lessons on core teachings.

Hazon: The Jewsih Lab for Sustainability

Baruch atah adonai eloheinu

melech ha'olam


et ha-yam ha-gadol.


Blessed are you, Eternal our God,

Ruler of the Universe,

who made  the great sea.

Cardin, Rabbi Nina Beth. The Tapestry of Jewish Time. NJ: Behrman House, 2000, cited on the Jewish Virtual Library.

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©2017 by Interfaith Oceans. Designed by Nadja Mataya


We are a nonprofit 501c (3) program through the World Stewardship Institute and the National Religious Coalition on Creation Care (NRCCC).  

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