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Interfaith Resources  for Care of Creation

If we were logical, the future would be bleak, indeed.

But we are more than logical.

We are human beings, and we have faith,

and we have hope, and we can work.
  Jacques Yves Cousteau


Get involved in care of creation and oceans in your faith community!

Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake s

Here are active organizations to do so:

  • Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake brings many different faith and spiritual partners together to care for the waters, lands, species, and full communities of the Bay. They are the model for what multifaith communities can accomplish  together with educational awareness, advocacy, restoration, and reaffirmation of hope and compassionate action. Visit their site to be inspired and get involved -- there or in your own community!

  • Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) was started by Prince Phillip calling together religious leaders of the world at Assisi, Italy (the home of St. Francis), to see what they could do together to care for God's creation and people. ARC provides a summary of the care of creation teachings of 12 major religions along with many worldwide initiatives.

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©2017 by Interfaith Oceans. Designed by Nadja Mataya


We are a nonprofit 501c (3) program through the World Stewardship Institute and the National Religious Coalition on Creation Care (NRCCC).  

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