Looking for some meaningful & connective socially-distanced community service? Participate in Sea Cleanse September, the first initiative of SDSU’s new student organization, Interfaith Oceans. Together we will build bridges between our campus communities while reviving our beaches, the ocean conservation movement, and our souls!
So what is this?
Interfaith Oceans is a national organization dedicated to bringing together people of diverse backgrounds over a common passion for ocean conservation. For our SDSU chapter’s kickoff project, Sea Cleanse September, we’re inspiring students to do a coastal clean-up and create art out of the collected trash to submit in a Trash Art Contest!
How cool, so how do we participate?
Schedule a coastal clean-up date with your household members in September, craftyour trash art (stay tuned for tips) then DM us a photo of it to post by September 30. Share with your friends and the art that gets the most likes by October 14th will win gift cards from the sustainable company of your choice!
DM us with all your Qs! Can’t wait to preserve our sacred blue planet socially distanced yet together & to see what you all create :)
Here's the guide:
Here are the SDSU chapter founders....at their remote sites: Shoshana Rice, Alyssa Skites, and Mary Holmes.
Check out their Instagram at SDSU_Interfaithoceans and their chapter page on this site: https://www.interfaithoceans.org/san-diego-state-university-1
Can't wait to see some of the sculptures created!